June 2, 2006

saccadic suppression -- motion picture

image garden vol.3 -- Saccadic Suppression --

sendai mediatheque

. installation
. screening
. presentation | workshop

仙台と東京に拠点をおき、コマーシャルやプロモーション・ビデオを中心 としたクリエイティブ・プロダクションであるWOW。
最近ではBEYES表参道ヒルズのInteractive InteriorでADを行ったり何かと話題ですが、そこの知り合いが先日WOWの代表になったりして、よくイベントの招待状など頂きます。


“Saccadic Suppression” is a phenomenon that occurs when we see things. Only the center of the eye can see the world in detail, but we don’t notice this fact in daily life. The eyes are continually moving and the object of attention is translated into electrical signals which are transmitted to the brain, and compose an image by the visual information. This movement is called a “Saccade” and it occurs up to five times a second. However, when we move our eyes quickly, the vision that enters the brain is not blurred. Does this mean our brains correct the blurred images?

posted by tomo | date: June 2, 2006 12:19 AM

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from jpn / england